In Memory of






Condolence From: Gerry and Helen Burke
Condolence: We would like to express our condolences on the passing of your Mom. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Wednesday November 23, 2011
Condolence From: Michael Biro & Crystal Folkins
Condolence: Dear Garry, Judi & your family. Our sincere condolences on your loss of Aili. The birth of our daughter, just yesterday, reminds me that every life is precious to continue traditions of family & of the community at large. Knowing Garry through the Ontario Regional Board of Directors of the Nature Conservancy of Canada, I'm ever confident that our families share cherished legacy values. All our best support to the Innanens.
Wednesday November 23, 2011
Condolence From: Mike & Andrea McDonald
Condolence: Dear Joyce Our deepest sympathies on the passing of your mother. God's comfort be with you
Wednesday November 23, 2011
Condolence From: Dianne Pepper
Condolence: Larry, I want to extend to you my sympathy in the passing of your dear mother. While I did not know her well, I did have the privilege of singing in a choir with her a number of years ago and remember her vivacious spirit and enthusiasm. May your wonderful memories from her long life bring your much comfort as well as smiles in the days ahead. Her influence in the lives of her family members will live on to bless many folk.
Tuesday November 22, 2011
Condolence From: Margot Cummings Hodgins
Condolence: Hi Judi, Garry, Alexandra and Katrina, Alicia, Morgan and I are wishing you peace, and warm memories of Aili at this time. I feel fortunate to have enjoyed lively conversation and Christmas singing with your Mom Garry. Dinner at the beach at Turkey Point with the girls and Aili taking such a sincere interest in Alicia and Morgan who speak of Aili in a Grandmotherly fashion! The "can do", inquisitive attitude with which Aili took on her life is an inspiration to us all. May she live on in all of you. Love, Margot, Alica and Morgan
Tuesday November 22, 2011
Condolence From: Julie Wood
Condolence: Garry, Judi, Alli and Katrina, we're thinking of you at this sad time. However much you have prepared yourself for it, it is still a heartbreaking shock. I know you must be very busy at the moment, but I hope we see you soon. For now, take care, love from Julie, Luke and Elena
Monday November 21, 2011
Condolence From: Michele (Palmer) Gilroy
Condolence: We were all so sorry to hear of Aunt Aili's passing. She certainly will be sorely missed. My favourite last memory of her, was at the 1st annual Innanen reunion, sitting with Elsie (Nana)-both of them wearing those silly felt Finnish hats, grinning like crazy for the photo ops..... She sure had a rich, full, long life. Our thoughts are with all of the family at this sad time.
Sunday November 20, 2011